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Supporting Environmental Civil Society Organizations

Green-AL “Supporting Environmental Civil Society Organizations 2024 – 2027” builds on good practices and seeks to expand the achievements of the first phase of the project, which was implemented during the period January 2021 – December 2023, having in its focus the further empowerment of the Civil Society Organisations in raising and addressing environmental issues in three main topics: a) climate change; b) pollution; c) nature.

This project is financed by the Swedish International Agency for Cooperation and Development, Sida, with funds of the Swedish Government and implemented by the Partners GreenAL, Co-PLAN, Institute for Habitat Development in cooperation with the organizations, VIS Albania and COSV – Cooperazione per lo Sviluppo.


environmental thematic grants


Thematic Grants

These grants provide financial assistance to CSOs in Albania that are focused and equipped with expertise in one of the three major themes (Climate, Nature, Pollution). 

environmental regional grants


Regional Grants

These grants take a more operational approach, aiming to strategically strengthen collaboration and interaction between local government units, specialized environmental organizations, and other relevant stakeholders with CSOs.

environmental initiative grants

Initiative Grants

These grants provide financial support to CSOs for the implementation of specified environmental initiatives, primarily in remote/rural regions of Albania.

environmental on the spot grants

On the Spot Grants

These grants provide financial support to CSOs in Albania who are tackling an emergent environmental concern or issue.

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