Environmental Declarations

Throughout the 2+ years of project implementation, Green AL Partners have financially supported and collaborated with more than 50 Environmental CSOs in the country, raising and addressing environmental issues throughout the country, on the other hand, conveying the voice of local communities at the regional and national level.

Environmental issues are today a major concern for communities whose lives are linked to natural resources and face the consequences of environmental degradation, as a result of the uncontrolled exploitation of resources and rapid urbanization, thus increasing the vulnerability of the country against natural disasters and the effects of climate change.

To advocate for environmental issues that concern communities, Green AL Partners, in collaboration with awarded CSOs in this project, have organized 5 Environmental Forums which have served to bring together interest groups to discuss/address topics of national importance such as: Protection of Protected Areas and their Sustainable Management, Climate Change and Energy; Water, Air, Land Pollution and Waste Management.

Civil Society Organizations under the umbrella of Green AL, have drafted 5 Environmental Declarations which highlight elements that will have to be addressed in order to achieve a sustainable management of resources and reduce the vulnerability of the country and communities to natural disasters and climate change effects. On the other hand, CSOs have offered their availability to cooperate in the processes of approximation of legislation within the framework of the opening of negotiations for the country’s membership in the European Union, with the main focus on Chapter 27, Environment.

The Environmental Declarations can be accessed below.

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